ry plants, lead-smeltery, fan plant and plastic plant. The plants use theNeway power technology company LTD,includes a series of battmost advanced equipment and technology, and have the stron.yest management team in these fields and will continue to develop.
The group,located near to Harcourt Port, occupies a land of150 cres and has the combinative capacity of lead-smelting, battery-production, plastic making and sale service. After all these plantsut into operation, annually we will have a huge productivity and reach anamount of $300 Msale.
The batteries are designed especially for Nigeria’s hot and humicweather, bumpy road and a vast of second-hand automotive. We builda great battery laboratory, which will take part in and even lead te making of Nigerian national standard and will become the Nigeriannationallaboratory.lt is a great honor to us
We will help end Nigeria’s history of importing battery, allow the Nijerian market to bear less price fluctuation,and provide faster delivery ofsuppliers, better transportation and consulting services with loweprices to the Nigerian people.We will strive hard to be successful.